“Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.”
- Jane Austen
Well spoke Ms. Austen. I knew I liked you.
Busy. That pretty much sums up our month-o-May. It was an extremely fun, but extremely full month in our apartment-hold. In addition to our 40-hour-a-week jobs, we both had our hands full with some money-making side projects that turned our weeks into 50-60 hour a work weeks. Plus, out of the five weekends in May, we were out of town for four of them and shooting a wedding on the remaining weekend.
That's right - I have shot my first-of-five weddings with Devin for Goal #91 (photos coming in a future post!)
I already wrote about my trip to Tucson for a play and our trip to Prescott for my friend Susanne's wedding - that covers weekend 1 and 2 of May.
Weekend number three was claimed by our first couple's retreat with the young married class from our church. We had a great time building some new relationships with the other young couples. I learned/talked a lot about respecting our husbands and quoted ideas from Marla's books/teachings on more than one or two (or six) occasions.

Weekend numero four we took a Robison Family vacation to San Diego. We has such a blast with my family, but were exhausted by the time we returned. Saturday we spent all day walking and driving the beaches, Sunday we were in Sea World all day (and can I just say - I HEART BAT RAYS!!), and Monday we trekked around Coronado Island and Seaport Village before driving six hours back home that same day. Woooo-eeee! So fun, so exhausting, so worth it. (I'll post a picture blog for this trip soon.)
Being out of town so much made Goal #54 a bit difficult, but we managed to cut corners where we could. For example, we brought bagels and peanut butter into Sea World so we won't have to buy any food. Classy, I know. However, we also treated ourselves to an over-priced coffee and smoothie in the park, which probably made the aforementioned savings null and void. The excuse, "We're on vacation," is a dangerous set of words my friends. One we also used for coffee at the Hotel del Coronado and for McDonald's ice cream on the drive home. Oops.
If that weren't bad enough, on the last work day of May I bought lunch. ::grimace:: This was the first time since the beginning of Goal #31 that I didn't packed a lunch for work. But I made it nearly seven weeks and plan to get my lunch-packing rear back in gear come June!
Q4U- How is everyone else out there in the blogosphere kicking off their summer?