
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Goal #21 Complete: Art Walk

More progress on my Project 101 in 1001 list. Read about my journey here.
Goal #21: Attend an Art Walk in downtown Scottsdale and dress to the nine.
(insert here the sound of life throwing on the brakes and dropping a set of twins in our laps)

Now let's revamp that goal a little to fit the reality of our new life:

Goal #21: Attend an Art Walk in downtown Scottsdale Chandler and dress to the nine in a trendy fashion suitable for parents carrying around four-month-old twins. COMPLETE

Here's the thing, Scottsdale is a little hoity-toity. The quiet, indoor galleries featured during the monthly Art Walk often have wine and cheese served. Not exactly the most conducive attmoshere to be carting around (potential fussy) twinfants. Also, if one is carting around twinfants, "dressing to the nine" is kind of a waste as one will (very) likely end the night with one's fancy clothes covered in drool, spit-up, tears, pee, poop or some combination of the afore mentioned bodily expulsions. 

So, with those things in mind, I reworked this goal a bit and Devin and I (twins in tow) attended an Art Walk that was just around the corner, in very our own downtown Chandler. It was casual, outdoors and five minutes from home (in case of a twin melt down). We did not "dress to the nine" per-say, but we did rock some baby carriers. And nothing says "trendy fashion" like a modern baby wrap that matches your "artsy hipster" attire.

We invited Devin's parents to join us and had a really nice evening, concluded by enjoying some delicious handmade fruit bars at Paleta Betty's. Goal completed.


  1. What kind of carriers are those? They look very comfortable!

    1. They are ToddlerHawks. I've used them since the twins were four-days old and they can be adjusted to fit up through the toddler years. You can wear them front, side, back and they fold up super small. I really like them. You can find more info through - she's really helpful in finding the right carrier and also has great "how to" videos.


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