
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today is a BIG day for checking off goals!

My "dream job" is to be at home with my (future) babies. I studied the field of graphic design because I wanted to be a stay at home mom (and still be able to contribute to the family income through freelance design work). Thus, many of my goals for this Project 101 journey are meant to pave the way for that dream to become reality. Today, one small step to that dream has been accomplished! (No, not the baby part. I said small step. Sheesh.)

Devin and I have officially launched our graphic design company Off Beat Graphics!

I don't know if I've ever mentioned that my husband, a gifted photographer, is also a talented graphic artist. Being that he is out of a full-time job right now, we were, by necessity, given an earlier-than-we-planned kick-start to our freelance design business. Between job searches, Devin has been picking up some supplemental design work and it just seemed the right time for us to get out there and get some more! Well, when I say "us" I really mean mostly Devin as I'm still working full-time out of the home. For now, my part in Off Beat Graphics will focus mostly on the wedding design portion of the company, as I want to be ethical in regards to conflict-of-interest at my day job.

I am so excited to introduce Off Beat Graphics and hope you'll take a peek at our website:

I am also rather proud (and relieved) to mark the following goals as complete! 

Goal: 80. Create samples of wedding invitations, announcements and cards (check!) 

Goal #81: Launch invitation-designing side of business (check!) 

Goal #84: Create freelance design website (check!) 

Goal #85: Launch freelance design business (check!)


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